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Using positive thinking..


Here is my list of positive thoughts that I sent out into the universe and the results: -


  • After being removed without notice from their private school in the Summer Term by my ex during the divorce, I had three children potentially out of education for the following September. Schools had shut for Summer. I rang all the schools in Fulham who all said they were completely full - no space. Then one morning, I sat in bed and sent out a positive thought. 'Today I will find a school who can take all my children.' I picked up the phone and the one school that I had been unable to get through to, answered. "Yes, we can take all three - come in for a chat."

  • Feeling bored with all my children at school (going round the bend actually!), I sent out a thought: 'I would like to work". I took the children to school and walked into the school office and said "I am bored silly - do you have any jobs?" "Yes" the school secretary said. I went for the interview and was given a job: I became a teaching assistant for children with education needs.'

  • Worried about 'Empty Nest Syndrome' I sent out a positive thought 'I want security, enjoyment and purpose when my children leave home.' and later that day literally bumped into a Speech and Language Therapist who said 'Why don't you consider doing my job.' My first thought was 'Why not!', my first question was 'how' and my next was 'when'.

  • Puzzled at how to become a speech and language therapist as a mature student who had been out of education for so long I made a positive thought: 'I need some guidance.', picked up the phone and rang University College London, and spoke to someone in the department. After a long chat that ended with a 'See you here next year!" I applied for a science based bridging course. Many thanks to Twickenham College for Higher Education.

  • Filling in my UCAS form: I could only really travel to universities in London because all my children were at that stage, in full time education. I applied for City and UCL. UCL was my first choice - I made a positive thought: 'I want to go to UCL'. I was offered interviews and places at both universities. I was accepted into UCL! WHOOOOP. Kids made me a huge cake to celebrate.

  • Getting my for SALT job: I sent out a positive thought: 'I will get a job". The seventh NHS position I applied for was made for me in mind and I am loving it.


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