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I am a mother..
I'm a Speech and Language Therapist

I can offer you a friendly ear so that you can get the best from local services.   I am a sign post your and your family towards specialist care.  I am a dictionary of jargon we use and can explain things to you in a practical way.  I can provide out of school time assessment services, resources and therapy in 2015.

I know how hard parenting is and how sometimes, it can make you feel really anxious.  Let me be your ear.  Your child may have some difficulties that are related to speech and language difficulty - let me see if I can help you.


I am also a daughter whose mother is no longer here and with wonderful aging father.  It's hard from both ends.  I have experience with both.  Can I help?

Life is jolly different when you hit your fifties - if you are doing it gracefully!  You need purpose in your life, routine, enjoyment and things to look forward to.  Join me - let's make up a London group.


I like the opera, exhibitions, walking, meeting like minded people who enjoy stimulating conversation over breakfast in Notting Hill.  What do you enjoy? 

Do you feel confident with your ettiquette skills?  Are you embarrassed or anxious?  Let me introduce you to the art of being 'British' and all that entails.  I will teach you what knives and forks to use, which glasses to drink from and how to hold a riverting conversation with a beautiful accent.  

I am 50+
I can speak and dine with Kings and Queens.



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